Our response supports the FCA, PRA, and BoE's proposals on operational incident and third-party reporting, urging refinement for effective and competitive rules.
Our work is focused on the priorities of our members and where our cross-sectoral remit can add the most value - international trade and investment; long-term competitiveness; UK regions and nations; industry trust and reputation and sustainability. We provide a wide range of research that helps shape the debate and influence policy for UK-based financial and related professional services.
Our submission to the comprehensive spending review outlines the role of the financial and related professional services industry in driving inclusive growth and enhancing private sector investment. In our submission we encourage collaboration across various government departments with our members to deliver growth.
This paper underlines the value and benefits of UK growth markets for companies with high growth potential and the need for government, regulators and industry to collectively boost their competitiveness. In it, we set out 10 strategic enablers which if implemented will ensure these markets can continue to support companies across the country to grow, develop and remain here in the UK.
Our 'The digitalisation of UK capital markets' report, in partnership with Hogan Lovells, highlights the critical need for the UK to accelerate the digital transformation of its capital markets. Embracing this change is key to maintaining the UK’s global competitiveness as an international financial services hub.
Our latest international key facts report highlights the UK as a leading global financial hub. The industry employs over 2.4 million people, drives tax revenues, trade surpluses, and inward investment, while supporting key industries like technology and life sciences.
In our response to the House of Lords' Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill Special Public Bill Committee's call for evidence, we welcomed the Bill as a necessary and effective step to signal UK international leadership in digital assets.
The UK's forthcoming Industrial and Trade Strategies are integral to the government’s ‘Growth Mission,’ leveraging strengths in financial and related professional services to drive investment, productivity and exports. In our submissions to the government, we have stressed that industrial and trade strategies must work hand in hand to fully unlock their potential to enhance the UK’s long-term productivity and living standards.
This year we have delivered a number of strong outcomes across our strategic priorities on behalf of our members. Take a look at our highlights, key milestones and successes in 2024.
Our latest legal services report highlights the enormous benefit legal services provide to the UK. Strong revenue growth and high employment also underline the continued strength and reputation of the UK as a world leader for international legal services.
We have summarised the key points for the financial and related services industry from the Mansion House speeches. Focusing on investment, growth, and the importance of the industry in driving economic progress and addressing key challenges.