Long term competitiveness

The digitalisation of UK capital markets: Digitalised financial market infrastructure and tokenised bonds

23 January 2025
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We have partnered with Hogan Lovells to produce a new report, ‘The digitalisation of UK capital markets: digitalised financial market infrastructure and tokenised bonds’. 

This report addresses the urgent need for the UK to press ahead with the digital transformation of its capital markets. This is fundamental to the long term international competitiveness of the UK as an international financial centre, and to its capital markets vital enabling role of supplying the capital needed to drive investment and sustainable growth, underpinning the jobs, pensions, investments and savings of UK citizens. 

It focuses on the significant opportunities that distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the tokenisation of securities present to the digitalisation of the UK’s financial market infrastructure (FMI) and the bond market: two critical aspects of this transformation.  

Given the fundamental role of FMIs to the overall financial industry, rapid digitalisation would offer huge potential to unlock the growth of capital markets and the wider economy. While the UK has taken positive steps to encourage a regulatory environment that supports financial markets digitalisation, and momentum is building for tokenisation, it is lagging behind markets such as France, Germany, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and Singapore when it comes to digital bond issuance. The jurisdictions that lead this global transformation are expected to attract greater investment into their economies. 

The report sets out concrete actions for the government, regulators and industry to take forward in the near and medium term to maintain the UK’s status as a world-leading international financial centre and support the government’s growth mission.  

Key recommendations within the report include:

Industry-led projects
  • Convene an industry working group to determine what needs to be in place to encourage the digitalisation of capital markets.
  • Adopt industry-wide standards for the consistent and safe use of DLT and digital assets across both primary and secondary markets.
Making a success of the digital FMI sandboxes
  • Look at lessons learned from the EU’s DLT Pilot Regime to ensure that the UK FMI sandbox provides an attractive forum for firms to test new trading and settlement models.
  • Ensure that clearly defined criteria set out what is required for firms to be able to easily navigate the UK FMI Sandbox requirements.
  • Remain flexible and maintain a strong dialogue with the industry, to understand practical issues such as development costs.
  • Ensure that the projects that are progressed through the DSS do not introduce operational resilience risks that are not managed to a level consistent with the traditional FMIs.
  • Continue to acknowledge that firms can use DLT outside the scope of the DSS.
  • Explore the possibility of an international dimension to a UK FMI sandbox /cross-border sandbox.
  • Create an industry forum for information sharing that includes non-participant firms, to ensure transparency and broader representation of market participants when considering regulatory guidance and policy changes.
A digital payments leg solution
  • Provide further clarity on the regulatory treatment of stablecoins, including suitability for settlements of wholesale transactions.
  • Consult further on barriers to adopting tokenised deposits and provide the regulatory clarity to unlock huge investment in the UK.
  • Set up an industry taskforce to determine the appropriate arrangements to enable the interoperation of operational and legal ecosystems for digital FMIs.
Digital bonds
  • Establish the UK as a leader by taking concrete steps towards issuing a pound sterling digital gilt.Ensure that the timeline and project sequencing for a digital gilt are designed to foster secondary market use cases.
  • Providing further clarity on the regulatory treatment of stablecoins and tokenised deposits.
  • Leverage the opportunities presented by the National Wealth Fund to incentivise private sector investment in tokenisation.
  • Work with the industry to develop market standards, market infrastructure and wider policy initiatives, to establish longer-term confidence in policy support for digitalised capital markets.
  • Convene industry groups in the UK to establish clear pathways to facilitate the issuance of digital bonds.
  • Work with international bodies to establish common/interoperable standards for pathways to digital bond issuance, custody and transfer.
  • In line with recommendations from The Law Commission, provide regulatory and statutory clarity on collateral arrangements and the collateral eligibility of digital securities.
  • Review how the current wholesale tax regime interacts with tokenised securities.

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