Long term competitiveness

Driving growth for the future - Annual report and accounts 2023-24

18 September 2024
3 minutes
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Read the full annual report: Download the full annual report: (PDF)

Following our AGM we are pleased to share our annual report for 2023-34 – ‘Driving growth for the future’, which details the key outcomes and activity we have delivered over the year.

The backdrop has continued to be challenging, both economically and politically, with the drive for growth remains high on the agenda. Given our industry’s activities in supporting the everyday needs of people and businesses up and down the country; its enabling role across the economy and wider society; and its significant economic contribution, this is an agenda in which we have a key role to play.

We have been very focused on making clear the vital role and contribution UK-based financial and related professional services makes, and the urgency of boosting UK competitiveness to enable our industry to do even more.

Our work is focused on the priorities of our members and where our cross-sectoral remit can add the most value to the financial and related professional services ecosystem. Our priorities are:

  • long-term competitiveness
  • international
  • UK regions and nations
  • green and sustainable finance
  • and underpinning them all is industry trust and reputation.